Elevate Your Legacy: Prioritizing Wellness for Intergenerational Impact

You are a legacy builder.  Whether intentional or not your impact is intergenerational.  In these letters I’d like to speak to those of you conscious and intentional about your ripple effects.

You are the ones who are committed to building a better now and future for generations to come. Your work is vital and greatly appreciated. Although at times, you may also feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.

This letter is a reminder, you must come first. Without your well-being, vibrancy, energy & zest for life, the work you do cannot be done with excellence. Release the martyrdom, release the savior complex. Give yourself permission to be a priority.  Allow yourself the time to rest and recharge, your true legacy depends on it.

I have worked with clients whose life looks great on paper. They have the house, the spouse, the money, the purpose work but did not feel fulfilled.  Arrested by anxiety, stretched thin by stress, physical health on the back burner and/or rocky relationships.  This is not the legacy they were called to create, live or leave behind. I don’t believe this is meant to be a part of your legacy either.

We fully live our legacy when we allow ourselves to be a vital part of the equation. This way there is congruence between what you want to build and what you actually experience.  There is oneness between what people see and how you feel inside.  May our legacy include health and wellness.  May we teach ourselves and generations to come that we can thrive & do great work. May we realize that killing ourselves in the process is counterproductive.

This is a kind reminder to encourage yourself, acknowledge the power of the work you do and extend yourself grace.  (A perk is that this also subtly teaches those around you what the new standards and rules of engagement are.)

May you live your legacy in wellness and intention. It is my honor to stand beside you as we make the world a better place.

Setting Intentions: from Invisible to Visible

We are already a couple weeks into 2023! Have you already set your intention for this season? If so, how have you been doing with keeping your commitment to yourself?

My intention this year is to connect with you as they legacy builder you are through this blog. This blog is dedicated to inspiring, empowering and guiding you on your journey of building a legacy that will impact generations to come without the inner critic sneaking in to sabotage you. I will also be sharing my insights as a mental health & relationship expert to support you in building your legacy with a simultaneous sense of overall life satisfaction and wellness. 

I believe you are on this planet for a reason.  Many of us have a strong conviction within us calling on us to transform into elevated versions of ourselves.  Many of us feel called to have different experiences and live different lifestyles.

My hope is to support you in becoming that version of yourself through my content and/or coaching programs. 

If you haven’t already, set your intention for this quarter. Then let’s take it a step further.  

Make your intentions visible. We tend to have better recall for information that is presented to us visually compared to other modalities such as hearing, touch, etc. Put it in a place you will see it often. Then when you notice yourself beginning to turn a blind eye to it, make an upgrade to it and/or move it to another easily visible location.

Writing down our intentions and making them visible significantly increases our likelihood of successfully actualizing them. Also having our intentions clearly defined directs our focus and prevents us from funneling our attention to distractions.

The more we see and are reminded of our intentions the more opportunities we have to walk in alignment with them.

I hope you still feel refreshed and renewed at the top of this season.  If you don’t, it isn’t to late to pause, reflect and align yourself before you take another step forward.  Rest and recovery is an essential step in the process of excellence. 

If you feel comfortable sharing, I would love to hear your intentions for this season, simply comment below.

The first step to turn the invisible into the visible is to write it down, draw it out…bring it to the physical dimension; then with your actions, breathe life into it.


Dr. D

AH-HA Moment: It was never me!

One day, a client and I were sitting on a park bench. We had our session outdoors since it was a beautiful day. There just happened to be a package of baby wipes on the table where we were sitting. This container of wipes became my illustration to help the client understand the difference between himself, his experiences and the voice of the inner critic.

What is the Inner Critic?

The inner critic is a human phenomenon. It is a thought-form. The fact that there are millions of humans on this planet that experience the inner critic effect, having the same types of thoughts, and getting stuck in the same emotional states suggests that this is something beyond an individual. It is important to note that the inner critic is NOT tied to your identity. It does not have to override the way you think and feel about yourself.

Speak up!

Speak your mind. Use your voice. Share your truth. Martin Luther King Jr life was and continues to be incredibly impactful for many reasons. One of them includes using his voice to speak about things that truly matter. Although his life was violently cut short, I am so grateful he practiced what he preached, his words, the power of his truth, has and will continue to influence us for generations to come.

Mindset on the Journey

On my journey I have had to battle perfectionistic, all or nothing, imposter syndrome, success or failure, the best or not good enough types of mindsets. That type of thinking makes it difficult for us to enjoy the journey, experience pleasure & genuine gratitude for the now. Many times I would find myself exactly in the position/place I was striving toward but mindset prevented me from enjoying the exact thing I worked so hard for.